Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis)
- HABITAT - Savannah Sparrow habitat is open fields, meadows, salt marshes, prairies, dunes and shores. This species has a very wide distribution throughout North America, from the northern shores of the Arctic Ocean and right into the very southern regions of Mexico.
- DIET - Savannah Sparrow feeds on many insects and spiders, especially in summer. Coastal populations will also consume tiny crustaceans and mollusks. They will also eats many seeds, mainly of grasses and weeds and berries.
- FACTS - It is named after Savannah, Georgia, where one of the first specimens of this bird was collected. That being said, in our area, they are often found in oak savannas which are lightly forested grassland- where oaks are the dominant trees.
- Savannah Sparrows do most of the foraging on the ground chasing grasshoppers and crickets. Sometimes makes short flights to catch insects in mid-air.