American Robin (Turdus migratorius)
- HABITAT - American Robin can be found throughout North America. Their summer range spreads across every province and territory of Canada. During the winter, most migrate as far south as southern Mexico and Guatemala. However if food is still available, some may stay to brave our cold Canadian winters. There is a significant sized flock that stay through the winter in a local park in our area.
- DIET - The American Robins diet consists of invertebrates, especially beetle grubs, earthworms, and caterpillars as well as fruits, and berries.
- FACTS - American Robins are one of the first birds to return to its summer breeding range and one of the first migrants to lay their eggs. Robins typically have two and sometimes three broods per breeding season.
- Many mornings we are awakened by the beautiful song of the male American Robin as he sings before sunrise in the spring mornings. He is often the last bird heard as the sun sets as well.