White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis)
- HABITAT - While other nuthatches prefer coniferous forest, the White-breasted Nuthatch chooses deciduous forest habitat. Where the southern limit of the Red-breasted ends, the White-breasted northern limit begins with a little bit of overlap. White-breasted Nuthatch prefer the more temperate zones of North America.
- DIET - White-breasted Nuthatches diet includes seeds and insects which ratios vary with the seasons. They also regularly visit backyard bird feeders. In our yard, they like to hangout on the peanut feeder.
- FACTS - White-breasted Nuthatches are agile birds that creep along trunks and large branches, probing into bark furrows with their straight, pointed bills. Like other nuthatches, they often turn sideways and upside down on vertical surfaces as they forage. Nuthatches get their name from their habit of placing large seeds and nuts in crevices of trees and then prying them open with their bills