Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis)
- HABITAT - Eastern Bluebird can be found in orchards, gardens, parks, fields, disturbed areas and swamp margins. Eastern Bluebirds occur across eastern North America. Northern breeders will migrate south in the winter.
- DIET - Bluebirds eat primarily insects throughout the spring, summer, and early fall. In cold temperatures they will consume more fruits when they can't find enough insects. Southern populations of birds will eat more insects year-round, but will still switch to fruit-based diets during cold periods.
- FACTS - I was surprised to learn that theBluebird is actually a thrush. However, when you take a good look, it is a bit obvious.
- In the past, Eastern Bluebird were in a serious decline in many areas with loss of habitat and nesting sites. During recent decades numbers are rising due to a strong conservation and help by birdhouses provided many areas.