Acadia/Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax)
- HABITAT - Willow Flycatchers, as their name implies, occupy areas with willows or other shrubs near standing or running water. Alder Flycatcher is a bird of wet thickets, breeding in brushy meadows, shrubby wetlands, in thickets of alder as well as buckthorn, willow and other wetland trees. Very little is known about their wintering habitat, since it’s very difficult to differentiate Alder and Willow. The breed further north than the Acadian Flycatcher.
Acadian Flycatchers use relatively undisturbed mature forest both on their breeding and wintering grounds..
- DIET - These flycatcher’s diet is composed primarily of insects that are captured during flight or gleaned from foliage of trees. In the winter, some birds will include fruit and seeds in their diet.
- FACTS - Alder and Willow Flycatchers are very similar and can only be separated in the field by voice. Acadian Flycatchers are a brighter green than the Willow and Alder.