Rock Dove (Columba livia domestica)
- HABITAT - The domestic pigeon was originally bred from the wild rock dove, which naturally inhabits sea-cliffs and mountains. Feral pigeons find the ledges of buildings to be a substitute for sea cliffs, have become adapted to urban life, and are abundant in towns and cities throughout much of the world.
- DIET - Pigeons s eat a variety of grains, seeds, greens, berries, fruits, and will occasionally eat insects, snails and earthworms in the wild. In cities they will consume virtually anything edible. Human garbage provides a wide variety of foods and they take advantage of whatever they find. They are also attracted to backyard bird feeders.
- FACTS - Peregrine falcons, which are also originally cliff dwellers, have also adapted to the skyscrapers of large cities and often feed exclusively on Feral pigeons.