Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
- HABITAT - Although the Killdeer is classified as a shorebird, it is often found some distance from water. You can find Killdeer near water, but they are also common in dry areas. It frequents only open places, such as fields, pastures, and dry uplands. Golf courses, lawns, sports fields and airfields, with their short grass, are also favourite habitats. Killdeer breeds throughout the United States and most of Canada. In the southern half of the US and along the Pacific Coast they can be year-round residents. Killdeer that breed in the northern US and Canada will migrate south to Mexico and Central America in winter.
- DIET - Killdeers diet consists of Insects and other invertebrate. They like beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, flies, spiders, worms, snails, and crayfish.
- FACTS - The Killdeer are well known for their distraction display. It performs the broken-wing display to lure intruders away from nests and chicks.