Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
- HABITAT - The Cooper's Hawk breeds across southern Canada southward to southern United States and into central Mexico. Breeds in deciduous, mixed, and coniferous forests. Winters throughout the United States and Mexico.
- DIET - The Cooper's Hawk is a small raptor that captures its favorite prey including chipmunks, squirrels and other small mammals. It also feeds on various bird species including starlings, flickers, robins and Mourning Doves.
Cooper's Hawk approaches its prey stealthily, moving quietly through dense cover until it is close enough to overcome its target with a burst of speed.
- FACTS - Cooper's Hawk are easily confused with the very similar Sharp-shinned Hawk. The Cooper's Hawk is a crow sized accipiter and Sharp-shinned Hawk is about the size of an American Robin and have much thinner legs. Cooper's Hawks have notably rounded tails and Sharp-shinned hawk's tail are squared.