Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
- HABITAT - Bald eagles are distributed across North America. They rely on areas close to lakes, rivers, marshes and coastal habitats. They can be found in wetlands, on the coasts, near lakes or rivers, and in marshes
- DIET - Fish is the primary food of bald eagles, but they will eat a variety of other animals and birds. Their prey items include waterfowl (see pic at bottom of page) and small mammals like squirrels, raccoons and rabbits. We have witnessed a bald eagle trying to attack a young loon. A group of adult loons helped the chick escape. Eagle will also feed on beached whales, large dead fish and a variety of carrion.
- FACTS -Bald eagle are opportunists and will steal food from other bald eagles as well as other raptor species. Chasing a hawk is usually enough to persuade it to drop its kill, but occasionally an actual fight or a snatch and grab with take place.