Redhead (Aythya americana)
- HABITAT - Redheads habitat includes seasonal and semi-permanent wetlands, marshes, natural lakes and reservoirs. Prefers deep water wetlands and marshes for breeding and brood rearing. In winter and during migrations, impressive flocks of Redheads concentrate on large lakes. In winter, they live mainly on coastal bays and lagoons, also on freshwater lakes inland.
- DIET - Redheads feed by diving, gleaning from the surface, or dabbling just below the surface. They eat seeds, buds and tubers of submergent aquatic plants, as well as larvae, eggs, snails and other aquatic invertebrates.
- FACTS - Many ducks lay some of their eggs in other birds’ nests (a strategy known as “brood parasitism”), but the Redhead carries this to extremes. Female Redheads regularly parasitize each others' nests, as well as the nests of at least 10 other duck species. Some females may be entirely parasitic, never incubating their own eggs.