Greater Scaup (Bucephala albeola)
- HABITAT - In the summer, the Greater Scaup breeds on marshy, lowland tundra at the northern limits of the boreal forest. In winter, they gather in coastal bays, lagoons, and estuaries, with some wintering on open inland lakes.
- DIET - Mollusks and plant material are both important components of the Greater Scaup's diet. In the summer, aquatic insects and crustaceans are also eaten.
- FACTS - The Greater Scaup is the more northerly of the two species of North American Scaup. The Lesser Scaup and the Greater Scaup can be difficult to distinguish as they are very similar. The Lesser Scaup's bill is narrower and the black tip is proportionally smaller and thinner. The Greater Scaup has a more rounded head and nape. That being said, although the title refers to the Greater Scaup, the notes and some images may pertain to Lesser Scaup as well.