Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)
- HABITAT - Canada geese can are found in most types of wetland. Although they are waterfowl, they spend a lot of time on land. Canada Geese breed throughout North America, except in the high Arctic and in the extreme southern parts of the United States and Mexico. There is also a small population that nests in western Greenland.
- DIET - anada geese are herbivorous, feeding on grasses, sedges, flowers, leaves, roots, grain, and berries. During fall and winter, Canada Geese favour agricultural fields of cereal grains and other crops.
- FACTS - Canada geese fly in a V-formation, where one goose is the leader and its flock follows behind in a v-shape. This helps the geese save energy when they migrate, benefit from the air currents passing the leader, permitting them to fly longer distances. The formation makes it easier to coordination the flock's movements, such as a change speed or direction. The formation lets these changes be communicated quickly and efficiently to all geese in the flock.